Enhanced Heat Transfer

A DCAMM seminar will be presented by

Professor, Dr. Sujoy Kumar Saha
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology
Shibpur, India


The heat transfer enhancement techniques have been discussed. Both active methods requiring external energy input and passive methods requiring no additional external energy input have been discussed. Single-phase flow of liquids and gases has been dealt with and their enhancement techniques have been discussed at length. Also, boiling and condensation enhancement techniques are included in the discussion. Previously, the heat transfer enhancement techniques were using only simple geometries. Relatively complex geometries       were limited by manufacturing processes. However, in the present days, advances in manufacturing methods have enabled using complex    surface geometries. Higher and higher generation enhanced heat transfer surfaces are now being used in air-conditioning, automotive, electronic cooling, process and power industries. The present lecture deals with these advanced enhanced heat transfer surfaces.

Danish pastry, coffee and tea will be served 15 minutes before the seminar starts.

All interested persons are invited.


Fri 29 Aug 14
10:00 - 12:00



Room 017, Building 403
DTU, Technical University of Denmark

12 DECEMBER 2024