
Chairman of DCAMM

Jan Becker Høgsberg, Associate Professor
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Solid Mechanics
Koppels Allé, Building 404
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark


Scientific Council

Mahdi Abkar, Dept. of Mechanical and Production Engineering, AU
Joe Alexandersen, Dept. of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, SDU
Lars Vabbersgaard Andersen, Dept. of Civil and Architectural Engineering, AU
Jens H. Andreasen, Dept. of Materials and Production, AAU
Morten Brøns, DTU Compute
Anton Evgrafov, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, AAU
Allan Peter Engsig-Karup, DTU Compute
Philipp Ulrich Haselbach, Dept. of Wind and Energy Systems, DTU
Jesper Henri Hattel, Dept. of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, DTU
Poul G. Hjorth, DTU Compute
Jan Høgsberg, Dept. of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Solid Mechanics, DTU
Henrik Myhre Jensen, Dept. of Mechanical and Production Engineering, AU
Esben Lindgaard, Dept. of Materials and Production, AAU
Erik Lund, Dept. of Materials and Production, AAU
Lars Pilgaard Mikkelsen, Dept. of Wind and Energy Systems, DTU
Jannie Sønderkær Nielsen, Dept. of the Built Environment, AAU
Christian F. Niordson, Dept. of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Solid Mechanics, DTU
Niels Leergaard Pedersen, Dept. of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Solid Mechanics, DTU
Devarajan Ramanujan, Dept. of Mechanical and Production Engineering, AU
Sergey Sorokin, Dept. of Materials and Production, AAU
Jens Nørkær Sørensen, Dept. of Wind and Energy Systems, DTU
Mads Peter Sørensen, DTU Compute
Sine Leergaard Wiggers, Dept. of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, SDU
14 JANUARY 2025