DCAMM seminar - Metamaterials: Imitating Nature and beyond

A DCAMM seminar will be presented by

Senior Scientist, Dr. Andrea Bergamini
 EMPA – Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Dübendorf, Switzerland





From the point of view of a materials scientist, the present interest in phononic materials is a dream come true: We can easily test the lessons learned about the structure-properties relationship in materials without having to give too much thought about the thermodynamic and kinetic challenges that challenge 'classical' material synthesis. Moreover, in the spirit of the definition of atoms offered by Lapine and Tretyakov, we can introduce in our atoms and atomic links novel and unusual properties and functionalities that will help us synthesize useful phononic materials for engineering applications. This talk offers some examples, from a materials science perspective.

anish pastry, coffee and tea will be served 15 minutes before the seminar starts.

All interested persons are invited.


Thu 14 Nov 19
14:00 - 15:00



Building 414, room 061B
Technical University of Denmark
11 DECEMBER 2024