A DCAMM seminar will be presented by
Dr. Anton Tkachuk,
Institute for Structural Mechanics
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Standard explicit dynamics codes rely on diagonalized (lumped) mass matrices. Recently, alternative discretization of inertia term were proposed generally denoted selective mass scaling. The primal goal of selective mass scaling is to decrease computational cost of explicit time integration via an increase of the critical time step size beyond Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy limit. This is achieved by adding selectively artificial inertia on the highest (mesh) modes without significant loss of accuracy in the lowest structurally relevant modes. In this seminar, a unified variational construction of such methods will be presented for standard and NURBS-based finite elements.
A. Tkachuk, M. Bischoff, Variational methods for selective mass scaling. Computational Mechanics, 52, 563–570, 2013.
A. Tkachuk, M. Bischoff, Direct and sparse construction of consistent inverse mass matrices: general variational formulation and application to selective mass scaling. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 101, 435-469, 2015.
Danish pastry, coffee and tea will be served 15 minutes before the seminar starts.
All interested persons are invited