The 2017 DCAMM Annual Seminar Speaker

Zhigang Suo
Allen E. and Marilyn M. Puckett Professor of
Mechanics and Materials,
Harvard University, USA 

will give the lecture

"Mechanics and chemistry of hydrogels


What can we do if water is a tough solid?  A hydrogel aggregates water and a polymer network.  The polymer network makes the hydrogel an elastic solid, but water in the hydrogel retains its molecular properties.  Several recent findings show that hydrogels can achieve properties and applications well beyond previously imagined.  Hydrogels can be made as tough as rubber, and retain water in low-humidity environment. Hydrogels are stretchable, transparent, ionic conductors, and enable devices that mimic muscles, skins, and axons. This talk describes the mechanics and chemistry of these materials and applications.  Emphasis will be placed on recent progress on toughness, adhesion, water retention, and fatigue resistance.



Wed 04 Oct 17
13:00 - 16:00




Auditorium 1.177
Aalborg University
Pontoppidanstræde 111, 9220  Aalborg Ø
13 DECEMBER 2024